Stephen Ministry

A Stephen Minister is a lay person from the congregation who is trained to provide Christian, one-on-one care for anyone who is going through a difficult time and in need of support from a Christian friend.  

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."  Galatians 6:2


Visit our Stephen Ministry table in the Gathering Area for more information. To learn more about the ministry, you may speak to any of the Stephen Ministers, the leader, Sean Mollberg or the assistant leader, Lynn Cahill. If you are interested in receiving confidential Christian care, email or contact either Pastor Braun or Pastor Ridley.  Contact information is available on business cards that are placed on the Stephen Ministry table.  If you have a friend or family member that you believe would benefit from this ministry, please take a card and share it with them.  Stephen Ministers are available to minister to anyone age 18 and over.  They do not need to be a member of Fishers of Men.


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Listen to the story of Stephen Ministry and the impact a caring, Stephen Minister can have for someone in pain.