Confirmation at Fishers


Early Communion

At Fishers of Men we offer Early Communion for all students 5th grade or older. We ultimately believe it is up to the parents to decide whether their student is ready to participate in Holy Communion. We offer an Early Communion class once a semester, and we encourage both students and parents to attend the class. If you are interested in signing your student up for Early Communion please contact our Senior Pastor, Chuck Ridley.


Confirmation Program

At Fishers of Men Confirmation consists of 7th and 8th grade students. It is comprised of retreats and Wednesday night lessons. During these two years students learn about and memorize the Six Chief Parts of Luther's Small Catechism namely the 10 Commandments, Holy Communion, Holy Baptism, Office of the Keys, The Lord's Prayer and The Apostles Creed. If you have any questions about the program, or want to enroll your student contact our Senior Pastor Chuck Ridley