Worship With Us
Weekly on Sundays
Join Us in Worship
Come as you are, and however you are to hear about your Savior, Jesus, and come to know the grace and love of God in your life. Our church services are on Sundays at 8:30 am and 11:00 am in person and streaming online.
We want you to feel welcomed to our family of Christ, where you will meet real people who will be glad you joined them. They were new here once, too.
We know that your first time at a church — any church — brings up some questions. We hope to answer some of your questions below, but if you have an unanswered question, you can email us at info@fishersofmen.org.
What To Expect At Worship
We have two worship services each Sunday, both in our main sanctuary.
The 8:30 AM service is traditional, including hymns led by piano and choir, a children’s message is integrated into the service, and Holy Communion is provided on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays.
The 11:00 AM service is a more blended worship, with hymns and contemporary Christian songs led by our Praise Band, a children’s message is integrated into the service, and Holy Communion is on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays.
We strive to have a relaxed and meaningful worship experience so whether you come dressed in your Sunday best or come in jeans and a T-shirt, we welcome you to the Lord’s house!
Holy Communion is one of God’s greatest gifts to us! We encourage you to introduce yourself to our Pastor or an Elder prior to Worship Services if you have questions about joining us in Holy Communion. You can read more about our beliefs on Holy Communion HERE.
During Communion, we believe in the Real Presence of Christ, that with the bread and wine, we receive His true body and blood. To properly receive this Sacrament we rely on the scriptures (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). First, we examine ourselves; admitting our sins and turning from them. Second, we recognize the Lord’s Body and Blood in and under the earthly elements. We take Jesus at His word (“This is My Body…this is my Blood shed for you…”) and trust we will receive what He promises. All who believe in Jesus as Savior and take these steps are welcome to commune with us.
If you are not communing and desire a blessing from the Lord, please signal that by folding your hands as you come forward.
The center ring of individual cups contains non-alcoholic wine, and gluten-free wafers are available upon request.
We feel that families should be able to worship together. Children are just as much a part of the church community as adults and we strive to make worship relevant to all ages. Every worship service at Fishers has a children’s message where children are invited to come up to the front and have some fun. The children’s ministry coordinator or pastor tells the kids a great story through various object lessons or experiments. These special opportunities help the kids focus on how Jesus matters in their life.
We also have “Busy Boxes” available for children to borrow during the service that includes quiet toys or activities and books to read. There are also crayon bags available and clipboards with coloring pages or worksheet activities that are based on the day’s Bible story or message.
Children are welcome to attend worship with their families. However, we know sometimes parents need a quiet moment to pray and worship. For that reason, we’ve created a Nursery Room to offer children a place to play.
The Nursery Room is staffed during Sunday School/Bible Study and the 11:00 AM Worship Service. The room is available as a cry-room during the 8:30 AM Worship Service. There is no cost to use the Nursery Room, and Worship Services are live-streamed to a TV in the room to watch during both services.
Please ask an usher to show you to the Nursery Room down the hall from the worship center.
A dedicated Sunday School hour for children and youth begins at 9:45 AM. Children ages two years old through 5th grade meet in the Fishers Kids Area on the first floor of the sanctuary building, while middle school and high school students meet upstairs in the Youth Room (A-215, the room at the very end of the hallway). For more information on our Sunday School classes, click HERE for children and click HERE for youth.
Adult Bible classes also begin at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Chapel. Bible Study is usually led by our Pastor(s) and is a relaxed environment in which to learn more as we grow in our faith together. If you are unable to attend Adult Bible Classes in person, you can catch up on the discussions in our Bible Study Video Library.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are currently a member of another Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregation, you can transfer your membership to Fishers of Men Lutheran Church.
If you are not currently a member of an LCMS congregation, please contact the church office at 281-242-7711 for information on our next membership class.
To talk with a pastor, please call the church office at 281-242-7711.
If you are looking to receive confidential Christian care, email stephenministry@fishersofmen.org or contact our Pastor(s).
You can learn more about the Stephen Ministry program HERE.
If you would like to request the use of our facilities for either church-related or non-church-related events, please click HERE and complete the Event and Facility Use Request Form.
This form is for all church events, on or off campus, and all facility use requests, church or non-church. Completing the form does not guarantee your room reservation or event approval. All events must be approved before they will be scheduled and added to the church calendar.
Please do not complete this form if you would like to schedule a Wedding or Baptism (during a church service or private). Please refer to the Baptism and Wedding sections for information on how to schedule these events.
As Lutheran Christians, we believe that Baptism is a Sacrament— meaning, a sacred act. This is not something WE do; it is something God does for us.
Baptism is more than a sign of our belief. It means the Holy Spirit works faith in the individual’s heart, and God promises His steadfast love. Through the waters of Baptism, God calls us His beloved and redeemed people.
For this reason, we believe adults, children, and infants can all be baptized and receive God’s promise of faith, forgiveness, and life everlasting! We believe God’s Word includes the command to baptize individuals of all ages when Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”
If you want to be baptized or you have a child that you want to be baptized, please call the church office at 281-242-7711 and check that the date is available before making any plans with your family.
Next, contact the pastor you want to do the Baptism and see if he is available on your planned date.
Baptisms can occur at either the 8:30 AM or 11:00 AM Worship Services.
The church office will email you a form to complete and return. As soon as the form is received, the date will be reserved. Since we try only to do one baptism at each service, we will reserve on a first-come-first-serve basis.
We believe that marriage is a holy and sacred gift from God, so it is our intent that members approach marriage according to Biblical standards, in a way that is pleasing to God.
We believe that marriage is a sacred union of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24-25), and that God gave marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride, the Church (Ephesians 5:32).
Our Pastor(s) will not officiate over any marriages inconsistent with these beliefs and our church property may not be used for any marriage ceremony, reception, or other activity that would be inconsistent with our beliefs and this policy.
If you want to hold a wedding at our church, please call the church office at 281-242-7711 and check that the date is available before making any plans with your family. Next, contact the pastor you want to perform the ceremony and see if he is available on the date that you have planned.
Wedding guidelines and forms can be obtained from the church office.
Our Pastor(s) will require pre-marital counseling before the wedding takes place. Please contact the pastor you wish to perform the ceremony for his requirements.
You can now donate using Pushpay for your tithes, offerings, and special gifts!
To start, click HERE to access our online giving page.
You can also text ‘FISHERSOFMEN’ (with or without spaces) to “77977” and follow the prompts to give through your smartphone!
Pushpay accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and ACH (bank account) gifts!
When you send ‘FISHERSOFMEN’ to 77977, you will receive a one-time reply containing a link to give to Fishers of Men Lutheran Church (1msg/request). Please keep in mind that MSG & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions, please visit https://pushpay.com/terms. For the Privacy Policy, please visit https://pushpay.com/privacy. For help, reply HELP or STOP to cancel.
For any donation to automatically connect to your Pledge and Giving Statement in CCB, ensure that the phone number you use in setting up your PushPay account is the same as the “main” phone number in your CCB profile. Click HERE to log in to your CCB profile info (Fishers Online). Click on your name in the upper-right corner and select “Profile.” If you do not wish to set up a secure account, one-time anonymous gifts are welcome!
There is no charge to donate; however, our online giving provider charges our church account a percentage of your gift amount. PushPay will allow you to cover the fees at the end of the transaction to maximize your giving. Choosing to cover the fees will save our church that cost, which will help us to put more money back into the ministry!
If giving online or by text is not your preference, you may consider checking your bank to see if they offer free auto-pay or “bill pay” service, and consider setting up your giving to Fishers Of Men Lutheran Church there.
Our mailing address is 2011 Austin Parkway, Sugar Land, TX 77479, and our office phone is 281-242-7711.