Welcome to Fishers of Men

Growing, Loving, and Serving Like Jesus

As a Lutheran church in Sugar Land, Texas, we are an open-armed family of believers, focused on equipping the next generation in Christ.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19

Worship Services

Worship in Person

8:30 AM
Traditional Worship

9:45 AM
Sunday School/Bible Study

11:00 AM
Blended Worship

Every 5th Sunday
10:00 AM Combined Worship + Church Potluck

Worship Online

Streaming LIVE every Sunday at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM

Grace alone. Faith alone. Scripture alone.

Meet Pastor Chuck Ridley

Pastor Ridley is called by God, through the people of Fishers of Men Lutheran Church, to preach the Word and administer the Sacraments in their midst. He seeks to combine his analytical skills with a deep passion for teaching to guide others to live out the Christian faith. Having been called by the Holy Spirit to be a follower of Jesus (just as all the saints he serves are) and striving to use the gifts given to him in the specific role he’s been given, Chuck serves God by serving his neighbors.

Connect with our FOMily

CCB Church Directory

We call Fishers of Men “your church for life” because we receive life from Jesus through His Word and sacraments, and we share that new life with one another. We like to refer to our Fishers of Men family as a FOMily. Our online church directory (CCB) helps us share, connect, grow, and serve together to partner with God for His Kingdom work. We invite you to connect with our FOMily by logging in to our CCB directory or requesting a login.